About Us


We are located near the southern edge of the Finger Lakes National Forest and specialize in log-grown woodland mushrooms. We make medicinal tinctures from the mushrooms, as well as, sell them to local restaurants. Some of our other products include maple syrup, herbal skin care products, locust posts, benches, and lumber-sustainably harvested.

We take to heart our role as stewards of the land by trying to leave our piece of earth better than we found it. We include in our plans– soil building, water quality, improved forest stands, and coexistence with many forms of wildlife among many other thoughts as we carve out our agricultural enterprise. When outputs are trying to be maximized when focusing on growing a crop many times, the native ecology suffers or is even destroyed. A healthy ecosystem is extremely valuable, sometimes in ways we can measure like water and air quality, climate stabilization (even on a local level), richness in biodiversity making local systems more resilient to any perturbations. But, also in ways we can't measure, as humans we are meant to be amongst trees and forests for the health of our minds and spirits.

We have also come up with a quadruple bottom line for our business. Business schools all over the country are promoting the triple bottom line– Planet, People, and Profit. We added one more - Fun (or Phun?)! We believe that taking care of the planet and people while making a living is important, but having fun while doing it seems just as important these days! We hope you are having fun in what ever you are doing!

Share the Earth~

Steve and Anne

The folks behind our products!

  • Steve Sierigk


  • Anne Sierigk


  • Cameron Murdock

  • Kirk Leingang

See Us On Woodlanders and Flock Finger Lakes!